I am passionate about providing equitable opportunities to gain access to knowledge in and outside of the classroom. Each of my experiences as an instructor, teaching assistant, co-instructor, and mentor have challenged me to grow and over time I have identified three important aspects of my teaching philosophy: 1) evidence-based pedagogy, 2) student-centered learning and 3) equity and inclusion. I strive to incorporate all three of these aspects into the development of my courses.
I received training in pedagogy as a doctoral student and taught as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of New Hampshire. Currently I teach Introductory Biology - Intro Ecology and Evolution at CSUDH
Environmental Biology - Lecture and Lab
In this course, we dive into the environments of the world and explore the planet from a biological perspective. In
this course students learn core biological concepts and terms that are foundational to environmental biology.
Roles: Instructor of Record, Content preparation
Location: University of New Hampshire
Semesters taught: Spring 2023 - 50 students
Organismal Biology (organisms to ecoystems) Lecture and Lab
In this course, students learn about the world of living organisms and explore the planet from a biological diversity perspective. In this course students learnt foundational concepts and terms to organismal biology. The goal of this course is that students will be able apply their gained knowledge and experiences to their life whether that be personal, career, or academic.
Roles: Instructor of Record, Co-instructor, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Content preparation, Lab preparation
Location: University of Northern Colorado
Semesters taught: Spring 2018 - Spring 2021 ~ 70 students per semester
Museum Studies
As a graduate teaching assistant, I worked with undergraduates to guide them in understanding the maintenance, and daily upkeep of a natural museum. Students learned the daily tasks from updating catalogs to preparing animal skins for research and teaching purposes.
Roles: Graduate Teaching Assistant
Location: University of Northern Colorado
Semesters taught: Fall 2018 - Fall 2019 ~ 3 students per semester
Introductory Biology (atoms to cells) Lecture and Lab
Roles: Graduate Teaching Assistant
Location: University of Northern Colorado
Semesters taught: Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 ~ 70 students per semester